Monday, January 26, 2009

Brand(s) Spankin' New

Welcome to a peek into the life and times of the Brands household via the mind of ME!
I've visited the blogs of some friends of mine and found myself JEALOUS! What a great way to chronicle thoughts, events, phrases the kids say that you'd love to "coin" and remember forever, pictures etc. What a great way to STAY IN TOUCH!! (Since we live far away from virtually EVERYONE we know and love) Why be jealous when you can DO something about it? So here I am. WELCOME TO MY BLOG! I enjoy writing and find it really valuable to me to process and reprocess through journaling or writing. It helps me think and evaluate and RE-evaluate. Sometimes it provides a way for me to say "hey wait a minute....I was wrong" and go and RE-DO.
Why in God's green earth did I name this blog halfbakedpotatoes??? It just came to me late at night last night as I was regretting that second cup of coffee late Sunday afternoon. Here in the Brands house we are all IN PROCESS. We are somewhere in our journey here on earth between birth and heaven and we are only "HALF BAKED".....THANKFULLY!!!!
We are all growing, learning and hopefully ALL growing closer to each other and to God slowly but surely. But at this point we have NOT YET ARRIVED! So welcome to some glimpses along the way. Oh yeah....the potato part is OBVIOUSLY just because we live in Idaho and they grow potatoes a-plenty in these parts. Blessings!